24 March, 2011

Tonight's Episode: She-Who-Shapes-The-Sacred-Land

Starring:  Matt Bomer as Guy Handsome,  Jared Leto as Joe Handsome and Special Guest Star Rosario Dawson as the Goddess Pele.

Guest Stars:  Kaliponi Hula Company

Handsome brothers in hammocks sway;  Ukuleles begin to play,
Pretty Pele begins to comb her dark black hair in her vaulted home.

Pahula platform is set in groves where flowering trees are met
By dancers stout and dancer lean, who as in ancient times are seen.

Like the flowing of each tress, Pele's fire can't suppress
Streaming flows the living land, birth and death both hand in hand.

The story flows from foot and drum, fire wand and finger strum.
Ancient tales of loss and love, and magma flowing from above.

Like Pele's tresses to the sea, the land is restless, so is she.
She who shapes the sacred land, with fiery wit and gentle hand.

When others of her divine ilk have gone to rest on beds of silk,
When others, tired, and unseen, still she toils, this Island Queen.

When others faded like legends lost, she puts forth her best and most.
When others skulk like a shade, Pele refuses to bow and fade.

She sits in her mountain home and heat rises on molten foam
She hums a hula melody as liquid rock floes singe the sea.

The changing Island never rests as the mountain's growing crests
Glowing fissures and pitch black ground, devour slowly all around.

Yet, like lovers often do, passions heat will renew
Fertile flowering land and earth, Pele's anger gives rebirth.

Come see my caldera she'll invite, but bring libation or I'll bite.
Come worship beauty on my slope, and look on me with fear and hope.

Upon my shoulders come and dance;draw my dark and smoldering glance.
Remind me, ancient though I be, that people still come to honor me.

She rises groomed, dons her gown, the lava ceases streaming down.
Her lissome limbs her unshod feet, Step upon a mortal street

Her eyes they glisten as they look, as she sighed the Islands shook.
The cursed in their hammocks sway, and Pele loves it just that way.

She loves the new just as the old, she loves beauty when it is bold
She is capricious, gracious, grand surveying changing living land.

A kiss she plants upon each cheek, and shushes all who might speak
The brothers sleep, unaware of what's in store for the pair.

Pele summons her bearers then, to bring forth her pretty palanquin,
“Bear me forth in quiet hush, for works afoot and I must rush.”

Our next episode: Lee Berto.

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